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How to Translate and Localize Your Webflow Website

In today's globalized digital landscape, localizing your website is not just a smart move—it's essential. By translating your website into multiple languages, you can massively increase your customer base and provide a better browsing experience for international visitors. Localizing your website demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and enhances your brand's global reach.

Why Localize Your Website?

  • Reach a Wider Audience: By offering your content in multiple languages, you can tap into new markets and reach customers who prefer to browse in their native language.

  • Improve User Experience: Visitors are more likely to stay on your site longer and engage with your content if it's presented in a language they understand.

  • Boost SEO: Multilingual websites rank better in search engines, leading to increased organic traffic from different regions.

  • Increase Conversions: Localized content can lead to higher conversion rates as it builds trust and resonates better with local audiences.

Linguana: The Best Option for Translating Webflow Sites

When it comes to translating Webflow sites, Linguana ( stands out as the top choice. Linguana is built specifically for Webflow and adheres to the best SEO practices, ensuring that your translated content is both accessible and optimized for search engines.

Steps to Localize Your Webflow Site with Linguana

  1. Sign Up: Start by signing up at and input your website details.

  2. Verify Your Site: Once your site is verified, proceed to select the languages you wish to translate to.

  3. Sync Your Content: Wait while Linguana syncs your site content.

  4. Translate: You can choose to translate manually or click the AI translate button to use Google's Neural Machine translations.

  5. Publish: Initially, publish to the free Linguana staging domain. If everything looks good, add and verify your own domain and publish there too.

Note: A paid subscription is required to add more than one language or website or to use AI translation credits.

Comparing Linguana to Competitors

When choosing a localization solution, it's essential to compare the options available. Here’s a look at how Linguana stacks up against its main competitors:

  • Price: Weglot’s highest pricing option is $769 per month, and it still limits you to 20 languages.

  • Features: While Weglot offers a robust set of features, the high cost can be prohibitive for many users.

Webflow Native Localization (

  • Price: Webflow’s solution costs $9 per month per language for up to 3 languages, or $29 per month per language for up to 5 languages with some extra features. Beyond 5 languages, custom enterprise pricing is required.

  • Features: Webflow’s native localization offers seamless integration but becomes expensive as you add more languages.


  • Price: Linguana’s pricing is highly competitive, ranging from $19 per month to $99 per month for the most features with unlimited languages. The $49 per month option is the most common and offers a balanced set of features.

  • Features: With over 800 customers, Linguana is a trusted and loved solution. It provides all the necessary features at an affordable price point, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.


Localizing your Webflow website is a crucial step towards expanding your global reach and providing a better user experience. Linguana offers an efficient, cost-effective solution tailored specifically for Webflow users, making it the ideal choice for translating and localizing your site. With its competitive pricing and robust feature set, Linguana is the best option to help you connect with a broader audience and enhance your online presence.

Keep Reading

If you're interested in localizing your React or Next.js app with i18next, take a look at our article about i18nowAI.

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